Friday, November 2, 2007

Halloween Day

Halloween was in the school.
Wednesday was Halloween Day. Since I have been here, it was my first Halloween Day in Canada. This Monday and Tuesday, Sandi told us a lot of information about Halloween including the history of Halloween, Jack-O-Latern, Trick-or-Treating and so on. This Wednesday, in the class, Scott got some Halloween games for studying and gave us Halloween oranges. Wow, it was awesome!!! Now, I like this word "awesome" which is usually spoken by Scott. Now, I like to say this word to somebody who does good job. Sounds good~~~~Right? In the listening/speaking class, Sandi brought many costume, candies and chips, as well as a big pumpkim. Sandi wore a pretty costume, like a pumpkim. Some students tried on the costume. Wow. it is funny. Some students told us the horrrible stories. Also, Lisbeth gave each of us a bag of candies. It tastes yummy!!!

Halloween was in my house.
Actually, my uncle bought costume including hats and clothes. Before that night, we had a good plan. My uncle and aunt stayed at home for handing out candies, and my big cousin, small cousin and I went Trick-or-Treating. My big cousin even told me that she wanted to dress herself as a witch. However, what a pity. I had to work. So I can not join them. Actually, after school, I really did not want to go to work. But I promised my boss that I would go to work that night. So sad!!! After work, I got home at almost 12 o'clock. They had slept. I saw tons of candies on the table. That must be their harvest, I thought. Good job. I picked out some of them and ate. Yummmy, yummy. I ate such sweet candies that I can not sleep that night. So sad!!

Even though I did not enjoy the first Halloween Day, I ate the sweet candies, I felt so sweet in my heart. Next Halloween Day, I will enjoy it. Hope that everyone has Happy Halloween Day~~~~ every year.


闷骚小跑 said...

Candies are not good for girls although i love them. Next year we can have a Halloween party together. Good luck!

Scott Douglas said...

I didn't know that Sandi wore a pumpkin costume. That's so cool!

Joy*^-^* said...

That sounds that you had a good time!