Today, we had a pizza party. It was our last pizza party in EAP programme, but some people did not come. Actually, EAP programme holds a pizza party at the end of every semester. I suggest that EAP programme should have various parties, not just pizza party. Another thing, we should have more communication in English, not just eat, eat and eat. Not only do we improve our English but also boost friendship. That would be awesome. Actually, the happies thing was that we did not have classes because all of us are tired of doing homework and testing, but we have to stick it out. Everyone wants to go to university as soon as possible. However, what we learned in EAP programme is useful for university, like writing because whatever you study, you usually should write projects to instructors. You can imagine whether or not you can get higher marks if instructors can not understand what you mean???? Therefore, writing a academic essay is to teach us how to express our opinions clearly, isn't it? For me, I take every course in EAP 3 seriously, particulary take writing class more seriously. Actually, every course is equally important. Reading is to teach you the comprehension. If you can not comprehend the textbook, you cannot study very well. Moreover, listening and speaking are also important. If you can not understand what instructors say, you can not study very well, either. If you have questions, you can not express your problems clearly, instructors cannot help you solve them. How sad it is!!!! English is a basic skill if you want to study or live in English-speaking countries.
Guys, two more weeks left. The Christmas is coming. Cheers!!!! Merry Christmas, everybody. Oh, I say it so early?? After final exams, maybe I will not have a chance to see you guys. So I want to say "Merry Christmas" ahead. I hope that we can keep in touch with you guys through the blog. Moreover, final exams are also coming. It is time to prepare our final exmas. Good luck to everyone. Study harder. That would be awesome~~~~~~~~~
I agree that social events such as the pizza party are a good change from normal classes. It was fun.
I like the idea of pizza party too. I wish we had it more.
Love it.
We are almost there . . . . exams are in just one week!
Social events are important to us and we should cherish opportunities of social events.
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